DeFi Launch Incubator

A unique and safe destination for both presale investors and pre-launch projects.

DeFi Launch Incubator
2 min readOct 6, 2021


Pre-sales are an extraordinary opportunity to get into a project. At DeFi Launch, investors benefit from exclusive access to innovative and safe projects.

In order to access the unique opportunity to take advantage of our network of resources, project developers and teams must meet our strict acceptance criteria. Transparent communication and work ethics are fundamental pillars of DeFi Launch projects.

DeFi Launch provides complete assistance and support in the areas of development, marketing, communications, security and strategic partnerships.

The goal is to help build a healthier ecosystem by promoting projects with exceptional value.

Development 🌐

DeFi Launch has a world-class dev team with extensive knowledge in software development, including solidity experts. Our experienced team has worked on other successful blockchain projects and is ready to support the needs of every project that we incubate.

It’s not just about smart contracts working well. For a project to be successful, a project must have a comprehensive plan and design its tokenomics efficiently.

Security 🔐

To attract pre-sale investors to a new blockchain project, it’s critical to make them feel secure. A significant component of the process is having the project audited before it goes live.

Obtaining an audit from a renowned audit company is not an easy process. Smart contracts must not only be secure and well-designed, but they must also be well-executed in terms of communications and work dynamics in order to provide outcomes on time.

DeFi Launch has more than four renonwed audit companies as strategic partners. Priority access for audit schedules and personalized assistance to get through it.

Marketing & Communications 📢

An effective marketing plan is key for a successful launch. DeFi Launch facilitates access to the most recognized media on all DeFi, such as BscScan, CoinMarketCap, Coingecko, DappRadar, BSC News,, and more.

Our expert and experienced team will provide assistance and will help create an expansion plan to build a strong community that supports the project. Building communication channels on Twitter, Telegram, Discord and Medium is key to maintain a fluid relationship with the community.

Partnerships 🤝🏼

It is well known that no project can achieve positive outcomes working alone. DeFi Launch connects new projects with exclusive partnerships that are simply not available to most new projects.

Get immediate access to world-class partnerships with the most recognized Swaps, DEX, Yield Aggregators, Marketplaces, and more.



DeFi Launch Incubator

DeFi Launch is a high-potential project incubator that provides support and assistance during the launch process